Oreo is getting some heat for posting a photo of a rainbow cookie Monday for gay pride month. But said one supporter, “Not only did you make an awesome statement about love and acceptance, but that cookie looked freaking delicious!!”

Source: NY Daily News

Oreo sees support, but also backlash and boycott, for gay pride rainbow cookie. The creator of a ‘Boycott Oreo’ Facebook page wrote, ‘No. I do *not* hate gay people. I am not a ‘homophobe’ … ‘I am against the lifestyle choice, however. It goes against Biblical principals and against how nature intended…That being said, I refuse to support the lifestyle or what Oreo/Kraft is doing. So I have decided to not buy their products.’

Oreo is getting some heat for posting a photo of a rainbow cookie Monday for  gay pride month. “This is absolutely disgusting. Your attempt to ‘normalize’ the  behaviour of homosexuals has cost you a customer,” one commenter wrote.

Oreo is taking some heat for a rainbow-cookie ad it posted Monday in  recognition of gay pride

A photo posted on company’s Facebook page shows an Oreo cookie with not one but six layers of  cream — one for each color of the rainbow, a symbol gay rights supporters use to  show diversity. The text below the photo reads, “Proudly support love!”

Unfortunately for double-stuffed fans, the colorful creme-filled cookie  isn’t for sale. The fine print below the photo reads “made with crème colors  that do not exist.”

But while the cookie isn’t real, the controversay sure is. The cookie  company’s show of support has triggered a feverish debate over equal rights for  same-sex couples, which has played out this week has in the comments on Oreo’s  Facebook page.

By Wednesday afternoon the rainbow cookie post had nearly 38,000 comments  and 226,000 ‘likes’ on the social media site.

While the responses were mostly positive, some commenters were outraged,  even calling for a boycott of the product.

“This is absolutely disgusting. Your attempt to ‘normalize’ the behaviour of  homosexuals has cost you a customer,” one commenter wrote.

“Disliked Oreo page just because of this one post. Think about how much  business u just killed oreo,” wrote another. “I can’t support a business that  supports gays.”

A “Boycott Oreo” Facebook page sprung up on Tuesday. It had 12 “likes” as of  Wednesday afternoon.

The creator of the page wrote: “No. I do *not* hate gay people. I am not a  “homophobe” … “I am against the lifestyle choice, however. It goes against  Biblical principals and against how nature intended…That being said, I refuse to  support the lifestyle or what Oreo/Kraft is doing. So I have decided to not buy  their products.”

Some people, such as the creator of this Tumblr post circulating the web,  point out a true boycott would target Oreo’s parent company Kraft, whose  packaged food brands are ubiquitous in supermarkets.

“As a company, Kraft Foods has a proud history of celebrating diversity and  inclusiveness. We feel the Oreo ad is a fun reflection of our values,” Basil  Maglaris, Kraft’s associate director of corporate affairs, told Reuters.

He said the positive comments about the rainbow cookie far outnumber the  negative.